
10 Ideas to Minimize Boredom During Enhanced Community Quarantine

10 Ideas to Minimize Boredom During Enhanced Community Quarantine “Human beings are not real great about endless time at home, not really knowing what to do with yourself,” Lauren Murray, a clinical psychologist and associate scientist at Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health in the Department of Mental Health and International Health, tells CNBC Make It. In other words, we’re not great at having free time.

Boredom strikes when we tend to do things repeatedly. We’ve been inside for weeks amid the COVID-19 pandemic and boredom is inevitable. So, here are some tips or ideas to keep us sane and busy while we are on Enhanced Community Quarantine.

Credits to the following listed below for the videoclips used in this video:
Andrea Piacquadio,
Carlos Arribas
Pavel Danilyuk
Ekaterina Bolovtsova,
samazing family,
Yaroslav Shuraev,
FL Studio,
Tom Fisk,
Paulo Renato,
Artem Beliaikin,
Hans Muggesen,
Joseph Redfield,
Cliff Booth,
Edward Jenner,
Gustavo Fring,
Luis Quintero,
Cyan Cooper,
Miguel Á. Padriñán,
Wolfgang Sauerwald,
Laura Marc,
Martina Tomšič,
DAV Grup 1,
BuildWith Angga,
Anastasia Shuraeva,
Gustavo Fring,
Joseph Redfield,
Sharath Kumar,
Taryn Elliott,
Video Kickstarter,
Alexy Almond,
Lisa Fotios,
don lam,
Roman Koval,
Joel Dunn, and
Pixabay from Pexels
Lauren Hay on Unsplash

ecq,lockdown,enhanced community quarantine,10 ideas,tips,covid19,boredom,minimize,10 ideas to minimize boredom,10 tips,covid19 pandemic,

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