Draining the swamp is no easy task when dealing with a system that has been in place for a long time as is the corrupt and very dark game played by demons known as the elite, the cabal, the Illuminati and other private clubs. I have had friends telling me for years that real change is immanent. Maybe that’s a poor choice of words for me, since I relate it to my own lifetime. I’ve dreamed of heaven on earth, of truth and justice for all, and playing a role in helping uplift the downtrodden. My friend who finally swayed me into purchasing an alternate currency nearly four years ago must be a true believer. He keeps saying it’s immanent – always by the end of the month. The latest deadline I’ve heard from him is by Good Friday Easter weekend. Then another friend called me last evening to tell me it’s been pushed back till the end of April. I have not seen other reports of that delay yet. In any case, these date chasers do not inspire much confidence for me anymore. They simply drain my energy. Yes, George Carlin, most of us are not in that private club and have no control whatsoever.