"The Runaway" is the seventh episode of Book Three: Fire of Avatar: The Last Airbender and the 47th of the overall series. It debuted on November 2, 2007.
Wiki Page:
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Season 3:
Aang was a male Air Nomad born in 12 BG and the Avatar during the century-long conflict known as the Hundred Year War.
Aang Wiki Page:
Voiced By Zack Tyler Eisen. Wiki Page:
Katara is a waterbending master, born in the Southern Water Tribe to Chief Hakoda and his wife Kya.
Katara's Full Wiki Page:
Voiced By Mai Whitman. Full Wiki Page:
Sokka was a Water Tribe warrior of the Southern Water Tribe and the son of Chief Hakoda and Kya.
Sokka's Full Wiki Page:
Voiced By Jack DeSena. Wiki:
Toph Beifong is an earthbending master, one of the most powerful of her time, and the discoverer of metalbending.
Toph's Full Wiki Page:
Voiced By Jesse Flower. Full Wiki Page:
Hawky was Sokka's pet messenger hawk.
The town authority was the mayor of Fire Fountain City. He was easily cowed, coerced, or bribed and did not think twice about working with Combustion Man.
Town Authority:
Combustion Man, given his nickname by Sokka, was a firebending assassin and a silent bounty hunter hired by Prince Zuko to track down and eliminate Avatar Aang.
Combustion Man:
Hi there, thanks for watching. My name is Adair Robles. I’m a writer/novelist in the very long process of looking for a comic book/graphic novel artist to collaborate with on finished novels I wrote. I don’t expect to find one right away because of my very high standards for artwork. So if you are a comic book/graphic novel artist and are interested in collaborating let me know. Or if you know someone who might be interested let them know. And lastly I am looking to hire any artists that could possibly do a book cover art that I will gladly purchase and or pay for your work and hopefully work together to come up with a great book cover. I have some ideas of how I want the book covers to look like but if you have an idea that I might like better I might choose that instead.
Here’s my contact info:
Email: roblesadair@yahoo.com
Also If you are someone interested in writing or being a writer check out my youtube writing channel where I explain my writing process and how to write if you’re a beginner.
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