
BROAD Telescraper Series - Korea SNU Covid Hospital, the most effective way to combat the virus

BROAD Telescraper Series - Korea SNU Covid Hospital, the most effective way to combat the virus Now the world is in severe epidemic situation.

NPI (negative pressure isolation) plays an indispensable role in avoiding cross-infection.

While BROAD NPI offers mature solutions which has already been appiled in S.Korea for those countries to combat the coronavirus.

BROAD has got such a challenge, it was recently we have deployed a specialied COVID hospital for Korea in less than a month.

The whole system is integrated, and the construction builder only have to unfold the container and connect the building equipment systems.

If your country is in great need of NPI hospital, try the following contact for further inquiry.

Company : BROAD Sustainable Building
Email :
Telephone : 0086-731-84086871
Homepage :
LinkedIn :
Twitter : @BCORE_Building
Instagram : @bcore_building


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