
Favourite Vacation Books | The First Vlog

Favourite Vacation Books | The First Vlog Here's the first episode of my book vlog - The Second Librarian.
I talk about my favourite and most memorable books that can be read while on a vacation - perhaps somewhere on a breezy beach.

Disclaimer: I'd shot this video a while ago before this global health emergency began, as my first episode and took me a little while to finally get it upload-ready. All of us over the world are currently going through something exceptionally difficult, and in no way do I encourage going out at this time. Perhaps these books can be your escape as you sit and read safe at home during this time. It may help in perhaps making a little escape plan fantasy after the lockdown is over and all of us remain healthy and safe through this.

Books Mentioned -
If Tomorrow Comes -
Rage Of Angels -
Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone -
The Wicked Deep -
The Surface Breaks -

Where can you find me?

Instagram: @thesecondlibrarian
Twitter: @missbhattreads


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