
Google Translate Translates Classic Marble Race 1

Google Translate Translates Classic Marble Race 1 Whoever wins doesn't matter anymore. What matters now is how would Google Translate ruin a marble race.

What crazy colors will participate today, and what adventures will they face? How could a translator possibly ruin an already broken timer? How could a lemon initiate this race's story line and what's Kalkweg got to do in here? Can Blue be any shorter? How can Red suffer so much here? Which marble is a disaster and what's with creating many other accounts? How could rickrolling be so selfish? Where can you find the letter? And why, for some reason, did I fell in love with the audience at first sight? I'm as confused as you are, but Google Translate can answer these questions for us.

Here are a few other notes I haven't included in 0:49:
-I used the original and free-from-weird-cuts video and tweaked the effects a bit so that exporting would run faster and smoother.
-I also entirely removed the timer from the "Time Elapsed" portion for the reason stated above.

1. United States:
The US simply states that their national language is English.
2. Vietnam:
Vietnam has also declared that their national language is Vietnamese.
3. United Kingdom:
UK's national and official language is English, but has already been taken by the US.
4. Philippines:
The Philippines considers Filipino as their national language.
5. Canada:
Canada has English and French as their national language, but as English has already been taken, I took French.
6. Brazil:
Portuguese is Brazil's national and official language.
7. South Korea:
It took me a while to confirm this, but Korean is South Korea's national and official language.
8. Hong Kong:

Since many don't consider Hong Kong as a nation, I took its official language which is Chinese. Traditional Chinese is used in Hong Kong.
9. Australia:
Australia's national language is English, but it is already taken.
10. Spain:
Spanish is Spain's national language.
11. Germany:
German is Germany's national and official language.
12. Malaysia:
Malaysia's national and official language is Malay.
13. Singapore:
Singapore's national language is also Malay, and has English as one of its official languages. They were both taken and I did not consider Chinese and Tamil.
14. Poland:
Poland recognizes no national language, based on my research, but its official language is Polish.
15. France:
France's national and official language is French, but was already taken.

This was built in Algodoo v2.1.0, recorded in iSpring Free Cam 8, edited in VideoPad Professional, and the thumbnail was made in Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Credits to Translator Fails (Malinda Kathleen Reese) for the idea of this video.

Music Credits:

Motion by Tobu and Wholm

Throwback by Jim Yosef
Jim Yosef:

Check out the pinned comment to see how Google Translate ruins the description...


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