
Guard, Space Marines & Navy - A Fustercluck in ArmA 3 40k

Guard, Space Marines & Navy - A Fustercluck in ArmA 3 40k The Cadian XXth at Rest poster:

Hope you all enjoyed, bit a different Fustercluck today, but I really enjoyed the operation. Constant, effective air support, scary enemies hunting us down, Space Marines sprinting around the place like Sonic. All in all, good fun. Happy Birthday Digby!

What unit/clan is this?
This is my unit, the Cadian XXth. Casual milsim, roleplay and all those weird ops that you never get to play in your normal milsim group. It can be found in the discord:

What is this mod?
A combination of Grimdark Armory & There is Only War. GDA was used for most of the weapons and vehicles, while TIOW was primarily used for the uniforms and the Space Marines.
The mods referenced at the end are the LAMBS_Danger.fsm AI Mod and ALiVE.

Are you SovietWomble?
I wish. Video definitely has inspiration from the likes of Soviet and Max0r, but I try to strike a nice line for telling a story, humorous edits and actual gameplay. I try to put out a video every three days, hence why not every single video will be a Fustercluck or not as long or detailed as I'd like. Time constraints are a problem.





Second Channel w/ Full Stream VODs:

#warhammer40k #arma #fustercluck

Rimmy,Downunder Gaming,Gameplay,Funny Moments,Funny Montage,Memes,fustercluck,arma 3 fustercluck,fustercluck arma 3,cadian xxth,arma 3 montage,warhammer,digby tatham warter,imperial guard,digby,40k,warhammer 40k,space marines,imperial navy 40k,space marine,40k lore,arma 3 40k,arma 3 multiplayer,arma 3 rp,chaos space marines,arma 3 milsim,

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