
I know Who Holds The Future - Noah, Deanna & Thea Mañez

I know Who Holds The Future - Noah, Deanna & Thea Mañez Enjoy it! More videos to come!

I do not know
What lies ahead;
The way, I cannot see.
But, One is near
To Be my Guide
He’ll Show the Way for me...!

I do not know
How many days
Of life are mine to spend.
But, One Who Knows
And Cares for me
Will Keep me til the end...!

For I know Who Holds the future,
And I know He Holds my hand.
With God, things don’t just happen;
Everything by Him is Planned.
So as I face tomorrow
With its problems large and small,
I’ll trust the God of Miracles.
Give to Him my all...!

I do not know
The course ahead,
What joys and griefs are there.
But, One is near
Who Fully Knows.
I’ll trust His Loving Care!


I’ll trust the God of Miracles
Give to Him my all...!

Thanks for watching!
- Video Producer: Jaime Galvez


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