
Intel Wisdom | New Moon Intent | National Notables on Target #JFKJR

Intel Wisdom | New Moon Intent | National Notables on Target #JFKJR Prepare! This chat is going to span the spectrum a little - watch out - ET communication with Pleidians and JFK JR exposing Pizzagate decades ago...we all explore information with curiosity and care and ideally a high level of wisdom and discernment. I am open to multiple sources and points of view because I like to get as much intel as possible and allow prayer and God’s will to help navigate towards TRUTH. What else can we rely on as humans other than our own God-led, gut-confirmed understanding of what we know to be real.

First a conversation about the new moon tonight - if you feel you are jumping out of your skin right now, you are not alone!

Sometime I like to add in this end of the spectrum - a conversation with Aneeka of Teemer who confirms the two sides of this silent war, DUMBs being cleared and children saved, and JFK Jr most likely being the person behind Trump:

Daniel with National Notables did an incredible job with this last one - hope you have already watched. He gets real Jesus at the end, which I love! We all need to hear messages of repentance and alignment with God right now:
His video was so good that is showed up here on the Annette Cividanes channel: In this community, we love to be highlighted and share our work! I am thankful though that I brought it to Daniel’s attention...a rising tide lifts all boats!

Bob Gilpatrick and his company Boomers Forever Young connected with PIR this weekend - a great health update if you haven’t heard it yet:

Check out Bill and co-founder Larry Daudelin’s channel - so many great videos about solid products, chemtrails, tapping, emotional freedom techniques, and more! So thankful I’ve connected with this resource:

If you feel moved to support Cincy QaMom in my mini efforts to change the world for GOOD, here is a link to my PayPal:
Value for value! The blessings God allows my family to receive humble us, we are grateful more than you will ever know! Thank you all, we love you!

#JFKJR #NationalNotables #QaNon #NewMoon,

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