Manna Bites is a series of short clips that explores and begins to delve into the Hebraic understanding of the Scriptures, one morsel at a time!
Manna Bites! ~ Guarding the Threshold - join us as we take a look into the enigmatic season of the Sefirat Ha'Omer, the Counting of the Omer and it's connections to guarding the threshold!
For more information, visit our website:
Manna from Heaven,David Mathews,Brittney Scott,Mannabites,Mannabite,Manna Bites,Manna Bite,Hebrew,Hebrew Roots,Rainbow Language,Torah,Scriptures,Truth,Leviticus 23,Feasts,Festivals,Spring,Counting the Omer,Omer,Sefirat Ha'Omer,Sefer,Threshold,Words,Guard,Doorkeeper,Yahweh,Covenant,