
Nancy Pelosi has just endorsed Joe Biden She is the last of the major Democratic leaders to endorse

Nancy Pelosi has just endorsed Joe Biden She is the last of the major Democratic leaders to endorse #windownews

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsed former vice president Joe Biden’s White House bid on Monday, citing the Democrat’s experience helping to pass the Affordable Care Act and implementing the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to argue that he is well positioned to lead the country amid a global pandemic. “As we face coronavirus, Joe has been a voice of reason and resilience, with a clear path to lead us out of this crisis,” said Pelosi (Calif.).
With a prerecorded video, Pelosi gave the latest in a well-planned string of endorsements that Biden’s advisers have scheduled to drive attention to Biden’s campaign, which has a far more limited reach than President Trump’s operation. Pelosi follows former president Barack Obama, former vice president Al Gore, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), among others, in recording testimonials for Biden.
“When our nation faced the Great Recession, it was Joe Biden who led the implementation — and the accountability — of the Recovery Act, helping create and save millions of jobs,” Pelosi said in the video. “When the Democratic Congress was passing the Affordable Care Act, Joe Biden was a partner for progress in the White House and also championed the Cancer Moonshot.” Although Biden remains about 600 pledged delegates short of the 1,991 needed to win the Democratic nomination, all of his rivals in the party have suspended their campaigns or endorsed him, making his coronation this summer a near certainty. As a result, Biden has been moving to take control of the Democratic Party. Jen O’Malley Dillon, his campaign manager, announced Friday that she had installed a new chief executive at the Democratic National Committee and the two organizations signed a joint fundraising agreement.
Pelosi stayed neutral during the Democratic primary, repeatedly cautioning the party to keep its eye on the ultimate prize of defeating Trump, despite several House members running for president and former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg, one of the major financial backers of the 2018 Democratic House takeover, running as well.
The last time Pelosi endorsed a presidential nominee before the outcome of the primaries was clear came in during the 2004 cycle, when she backed the campaign of Rep. Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.).

Earlier this year, when many moderate Democrats in the House feared Sanders would win the nomination and jeopardize their seats, Pelosi asked for party unity, even as she made clear that the House would not necessarily run on Sanders’s policy platform.
“We have to win in certain particular areas,” she said at the time. “It is not unusual for a party platform or the candidates for president to have their own agenda that they would put forth, and it’s not unusual for the House of Representatives to have its agenda as well.”
Such concerns have faded with Biden’s apparent assurance of the nomination.
“I am proud to endorse Joe Biden for president: a leader who is the personification of hope and courage, values, authenticity and integrity,” Pelosi said in the video Monday. “With so much at stake, we need the enthusiasm, invigoration and participation of all Americans — up and down the ballot, and across the country”
Credit- Washington Post

Nancy Pelosi made an expected endorsement to Joe Biden yesterday as the coronavirus concerns become hirer and the number of deaths surge around the world. More than a third of those cases in the United States and problems about the crisis grow. People are looking for the next leader to surpass and deal with this crisis and others. Nancy expressing her thoughts and saying Biden is the adequate person to lead the country through this. (Play video) Stating that he led the country through the 2008 recession and his prominent role in the Affordable Care Act, she states that she is endorsing the candidate. Almost every democratic candidate endorsed him. Pelosi also expressed many achievements he made like his work with U.S service members and veterans. The reason the House Member did not endorse a candidate in the primary season was because she wanted to endorse a nominee to maintain control of the house. She is the last person to endorse him right after former president Barack Obama. Biden still not has the required delegates (1,991) to secure the nomination, but, the democratic national committee is giving a $360,000 financial support. Reporting Ivan Window News
Credit- Ivan Gonzalez Window News

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