
POV Polenta Soup With Whatever You Want

POV Polenta Soup  With Whatever You Want You want to hear about that time I stupidly stuck a toilet plunger into the pasta machine at a fancy restaurant? It's in here!

This polenta soup is based on something I ate at Chez Panisse Cafe a few years go. It's either a porridgey soup or maybe it's a soupy porridge. either way, it's delicious. The basic are just 1/4 of polenta (or grits) simmered in a quart of stock. From there go wherever you want. I usually start by sautéing some onions, leeks, and/or garlic in olive oil at the start, then add some greens towards the end (kale is great). In this version I also add some pumpkin and garnish it with sautéd mushrooms.

Here's another variation of the recipe:


The coronavirus has hit many folks hard, including first responders and hospital workers, individuals and families who were already food insecure, and service industry employees who are, for the large part, currently out of a job.

My goal is to help fix both these problems in the best way I know how to contribute: organizing people, and cooking food.

If you would like to donate to our free meal fund, head to where you can buy a boxed meal for someone in need. These boxes go directly to the frontline workers and food insecure families who have been hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic. They also allow me to hire back my kitchen team to cook and pack these meals (in a safe, clean way). So far we have served nearly 500 meals, and the number goes up every week.

If you would like to make a monthly recurring donation of any size, head to my Patreon account at 100% of the proceeds go directly to the free meal fund. You can also help by buying my books at where 100% of my sales commission goes to the free meal fund, and an additional 10% goes to independent book stores around the country.

Finally, stay safe. Here is my guide to food safety and the coronavirus, written with the consultation of virologists, food safety experts, and infectious disease specialists, and kept up to date as new research emerges:


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