
Restrictions cannot be lifted 'with the flick of a switch'

Restrictions cannot be lifted 'with the flick of a switch' The government is constantly reviewing health advice when it comes to the coronavirus, but lifting restrictions cannot be done "with the flick of a switch," according to Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly.

The government says it will review lifting social distancing restrictions within "the next few weeks" as Australia continues to successfully flatten the curve of new COVID-19 cases.

Australia's Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy says health authorities will not consider easing restriction until they are confident the health system can cope with the likely rise of coronavirus cases.

Mr Kelly told Sky News he understands why the public is "confused" about some of the strict social distancing measures.

"It is not a flick-of-a-switch that these restrictions come on and off," he said.

"It's more like a volume control that you slowly wind back.

"I am sure the prime minister and the health minister are looking at this by the hour, getting the best information they possibly can, they don't want the restrictions to go on one day longer than they can."

Image: Getty


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