
slightly unhappy people briskly walking : animation test(s)

slightly unhappy people briskly walking : animation test(s) Test Descriptions :
Test A - Just repeating the frames taken without any frame pauses or merging of frames
Test B - Repeating frames with all frames being merged into the next (so one cycle is twice as long)
Test C - Frames are paused with me trying to emphasize frames by pausing longer on some (some frames aren’t paused because it looked better without the emphasis)
Test D - Combing test B and C (but not pausing every frame and merging every frame)

I think I’m gonna do a test like this again but with more frames, because the five frame one in test A looked the best to me. It will probably take a lot longer though.

Also link to a video with all pictures I took to try to get the least light flicker in this animation: [link will be posted here later, I need to remember this]

Run cycle,

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