
Teen Titan Idol World Tour- Ballot


Deadline: April 10, 2020

You will vote using your comments in this vid and this vid only!

You will choose ONE TITAN to vote for by imputing

Vote/V: (Titan)

You will then select one of the other Titans to Eliminate, as so below your vote.

Eliminate/E: (Titan)

If you wish to change your vote at any time, you may do so, but instead of EDITING, you will simply DELETE your comment and post a fresh one. (It makes it easier for me to keep track)

You will post your comments separate-- DO NOT reply to any comments in chains, because if someone chooses to delete their comment, your comment will be deleted as well and it will mess up the votes badly. (VOTE SEPARATELY... DON'T REPLY TO OTHER COMMENTS)

After the Deadline, (Seen above at the top) All the votes will be locked in and cannot be changed. (NO EXCEPTIONS)

The three Titans with the most VOTES will proceed...

If the VOTES are tied, the Titans with the most ELIMINATIONS will be out

If both V/E are tied, the Titan who was ahead before the other caught up will proceed (Like a Tennis Advantage)

BELOW IS A LIST OF RULES I WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCING (Anyone who willingly and constantly violates them will be blocked from my channel, and their votes disqualified)

-You will only use comments in this vid to submit votes (No outside sources will be counted) COMMENTS IN THIS VID ONLY

-You are only voting for yourself, and no one else!

-You may not use multiple YT accounts to submit multiple votes. Only ONE VOTE for ONE TITAN per person!

-This is a BALLOT! You are here to VOTE ONLY! There will be no conversing, no flaming, no Q&As, ect, ect... JUST VOTE!

-In relation to the VOTING ONLY rule, this includes that you will RESPECT other people's decisions, and not DARE question them or tell them how to vote (No conversing or Flaming)

-Don't Vote/Eliminate for a Titan soley because you WANT that Titans to Win/Lose. That's not cool... consider ALL of them, and put aside personal love or spite, you have consider EVERYTHING. The songs, the animation, ect, ect...

Teen Titans,Idol,Robin,Starfire,Cyborg,Raven,Beast Boy,Terra,

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