
The We Ain't Getting Younger Book Tag

The We Ain't Getting Younger Book Tag Great questions from the lads at CodeX Cantina.
Find out about Maybe Midrash from Jason at Old Blues Chapter and Verse
Also hosted by Steve Donoghue and Felicia at Little Prairie Library

Books mentioned:
Lanny, Max Porter 2019
2666, Roberto Bolano 2004
War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy 1869
A Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth 1993
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte 1847
Stiff Upper Lip Jeeves, P.G. Wodehouse 1963
Ulysses, James Joyce 1922
Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi 2000
Beware of Pity, Stefan Zweig 1939
Normal People, Sally Rooney 2018
Celeste Ng, Little Fires Everywhere 2017
Guards Guards. Terry Pratchett 1989

1) While it's proven too many birthdays can kill you, the amount of cake we can eat is still under debate... name the most recent book that gave you a sugar/book high.

2) Sometimes we get older and wider instead of older and wiser... name the longest book you've ever read.

3) The best part about pictures is that they're always a younger version of you... name a book that you enjoyed more the first time you read it than the second.
(If you've never re-read, why not?)

4) As you get older, you must learn to never skip a bathroom break before jumping in a car ride... name a book you read in very few sittings. (Have you ever walked to the bathroom, holding the book and then… blindly fumbled for the door handle)

5) Don't let old age get you down, cause it's harder to get you back up these days... name a book you had to put down and why.

6) Age isn't how long you've been alive, it's how many lives you've lived... what book genres have you been wanting to try outside of your comfort zone?

7) Life gets worse the older you get, luckily you don't have much left... name a book that slowly turned sour for you but you finished anyways. Were you glad you stuck it out?

8) Peer pressure seems to decrease as you get older. Where did all your friends go? ... name a book that you checked out because of peer pressure. Were you happy to have tried it?

9) Friends don't let friends get older alone... tag people

I tag:
Hannah of Hannah's Books
Christy Luis - Dostoevsky in Space
Heather the Soggy Expat Booknerd


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