
TO OUR NOBLE KING - Encouraging messages from Bhutanese regarding COVID-19

TO OUR NOBLE KING - Encouraging messages from Bhutanese regarding COVID-19 Intitiated by "Happiness is still a place, Bhutan"

🔸Tandin Bidha (Actress)
🔸Pawo (Writer/Director)
🔸Jigme Thinley (Photographer at Shutterbug Studio)
🔸Tandin Wangchuk (Vocalist at Misty Terrace Band)
🔸Tshering Yangdon Pinky (Singer)
🔸Deki Lhamo (Actress)
🔸Namgyel Wangchuk (YCC president)
🔸Sherab Lhamo (Actress)
🔸Chencho Gyeltshen (Proffesional Footballer)
🔸Dorji wangchuk (Producer)
🔸 Lha Dorje (Actress)

Music by bdProductions
Edited by Yeshi Lhendup Films

"The sun of happiness will shine"!

The earth’s guard is down, nations in turmoil, economies are crashing, Cities are getting closed! Rural People getting terrified. 

Everybody’s frantic. 

But the sun of happiness will shine.

It will shine over this confusion, hysteria, anxiousness, doubt and misery. 

Bhutan will heal and so will our Mother Earth. 

With every sanitation worker tirelessly working somewhere in hospitals, flu clinics, and quarantine centres, it will shine. 

With every medical personnel blemished with the face masks and aprons, it will shine. 

The sun of happiness will shine. 

For all of you. 

This is to you the driver's for carrying in essentials ensuring the nation does not go hungry, and that individuals are reached where they should be. 

The singers, dancers, artists, writers and everyone creatively trying to fill us with joy and laughter, and awe and amazement. 

This is to the police, army, Desuups, volunteers, and all the parents keeping the younger and older section safe. 

This is to you who have sacrificed your freedom in the quarantine centres.

One step at a time and we will pass this test too. 

This is to everyone for being the sunshine of happiness. 

This is to you my Noble King. Blessed we are in amidst this chaos to have your blessings.

For your presence made us feel anything but weak to succumb to this petty time. 

What we heard it as a prayer during your royal address will come true soon. 

Deki nyima shawor sho!


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