
What Is Baggage? A Conversation About Spiritual Practice With Jared Janes

What Is Baggage? A Conversation About Spiritual Practice With Jared Janes In the context of spirituality (specifically, Eastern meditative practices), Jared Janes and I discuss what baggage is as well as three kinds of baggage.

The broader context, one left unmentioned during our discussion, is this: since the 1960s, a good number of spiritual teachers have been involved in ethical and sexual misconduct. This has led to fresh and vital considerations and practices focused on the problem of "spiritual bypass" and concerned with "cleaning up" (in Ken Wilber's use of the term).

A. Apropos the nature of baggage, What are you holding onto tightly? Where are you caught and constricted?

B. Apropos kinds of baggage, (1) What negative things are you avoiding? (2) What attachments are leading to second-order baggage? And (3) what subtle aspects of your experience are you unaware of?

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Jared is a meditator and thinker currently interested in Vajrayana Buddism and Metamodernism. I found him to be thoughtful, earnest, and humble.

*Learn more about Jared:
*Follow him on Twitter: @JaredJanes

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I'm a practical philosopher and a Zen Buddhist.

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