
4|26|20 Ephesus Online Sunday Worship “One is the Loveliest Number” Rev. Greg Templin

4|26|20 Ephesus Online Sunday Worship “One is the Loveliest Number” Rev. Greg Templin Welcome to Ephesus Baptist Church's Online Service!
This morning's Worship Leaders are:
Welcome: Kevin Fleegle
Call to Worship Trumpet Solo: Doug Meeker ("The Solid Rock")
Scripture Reading: Marshall Johnson (John 17:20-26)
Song by Jody & Wendy Branch ("Make Us One")
Message by Pastor Greg ("One Is the Loveliest Number", Ephesians 4:1-6)
Song by Doug Meeker ("One In Unity")

Pastor Greg teaches today from Ephesians 4:1-6 - What we do and say as we relate to each other must grow out of an understanding of Unity in Christ; must flow from our embracing the gift of Unity; and must have the goal of producing Unity.

Ephesus Baptist Church,Raleigh NC,Greg Templin,

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