
Staying Persistent - Juz 4 by Ustadha Nasreen Nazar

Staying Persistent - Juz 4 by Ustadha Nasreen Nazar Juz 4 main points
A muslim may not attain righteousness until he/she spends out of what you love (in the way of Allah). Allah knows whatever you spend.
the word ​BIRR means the best righteous conduct. ​The real spirit of righteousness consists in the love of Allah. It’s the love which makes man value the good pleasure of Allah above all worldly acquisitions.
Ayah 95 : 'Whatever Allah has said is true. Follow, then, the way of Ibrahim (As) in total devotion to Allah. He was not one of those who associate others with Allah in His divinity.
​Our Prophet Muhammad (sas) is the answer of the Dua of Ibrahim (as)
The first House (of Prayer) established for mankind is the one at Bakkah( Makkah) : it is full of blessing and a centre of guidance for the whole world.​
Hajj is obligatory once in lifetime. ​One should have intentions and hasten in fulfilling the obligations People of the Book used to hinder believers from the way of Allah,
Whoever holds fast onto Allah’ commands will certainly be guided to the straight way.
Reflect are we wasting time and not following Allah's command. Stay persistent in good deeds
​Ayah 102 is recited during Nikah Ceremony, it mentions Taqwa.
A reationship can be fulfilled best with Taqwa.
Hold fast together to the cable of Allah ( Religion of Allah) and be not divided, Remember the blessings that Allah bestowed upon you.
​The responsibilities of Ummat e Wast (The leading Nation) are 1.invite people to all that is good, 2. enjoin the doing of all that is right, 3.forbid the doing of all that is wrong.They are the true successor.
The commentary of Battle of uhud is mentioned in Ayah 121 to 179
​Believers are commanded: to not swallow interest, by letting it grow double or more, and be mindful of Allah so that you may attain true success.
​Ayah 133 very important: And hasten to the forgiveness of your Lord and to a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth which have been prepared for the God-fearing.
Qualities of Muttaqi: 1. spend in the way of Allah both in plenty and hardship 2.who restrain their anger 3.and forgive others. Allah loves such good-doers."
3 steps of Forgiveness : 1. Do not punish, 2. Do not speak ill of them, 3. To make dua for them for their forgiveness .
Levels of Sabr: 1. Do not complain 2. Be content with your present state 3. be thankful to Allah​.
Ayah 159 : Describes Rasool Allah's Quality : He was very gentle, kind and compassionate by Allah's Mercy.​
3 stages of Tawakkul (TRUST): least is A trust of a client to a lawyer. 2. A trust of a child to his mother. 3. Trust of a shroud to its washers.
Strengthen our Trust in Allah, be God Fearing and be strong in your Imaan
(185)كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ
Everyone is bound to taste death and you shall receive your full reward on the Day of Resurrection.​Imaan,
Taqwa, Sabr, Shukr are key to The True success
Surah Nisa​ Ayat 1 starts with Taqwa and this Ayat is recited during Nikah Ceremony. O men! Fear your Lord Who created you from a single being and out of it created its mate; and out of the two spread many men and women.

Dua For the Day
Supplication to seek refuge from many ailments.
Anasرضی اللہ عنہ narrated: The Messenger of Allahﷺ recited these words.
اَللّٰھُمَّ اِنِّیْ ٓ اَعُوْذُبِکَ مِنَ الْھَمِّ،وَ الْحَزَنَ،وَ الْعَجْزِ، وَالْکَسَلِ،وَالْجُبْنِ،وَالْبُخْلِ، وَضَلَعِ الدَّیْنِ، وَ غَلَبَۃِ الرِّجَالِ.“
“Oh Allah, I seek refuge with you from stress, sadness, irritation, laziness, cowardice, stinginess, the burden of debts, and the dominance of others over me."(Bukhari)

​Fear Allah in Whose name you plead for rights, and heed the ties of kinship.Surely, Allah is ever watchful over you


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