
I Didn’t Know Males Existed Until I Was 17

I Didn’t Know Males Existed Until I Was 17 He said that we needed to report this to the police, the child had been abducted from her home around that time. Impossible! We went down to the station and they pulled up a bunch of missing children’s reports.
It turns out all of the children that had been “grown” at the farm were actually just stolen! I asked if they could find where I had been from, but unfortunately, the records didn’t go that far back.
I led the police back to the commune where they arrested the headmistress - along with some of the senior members - and took custody of all of the minors there! All 50 of them! The minors were to be returned to their homes or put up for adoption. As I would be counted as a legal adult starting the next month, Carlos said I could just live with him. He was going to teach me what love was.
My entire life was a lie! Carlos helped get me started in the real world. He introduced me to lots of amazing things. Ice cream, grocery stores, and all new sorts of clothes that didn’t have to match anyones!
Carlos told me it was cute, but I knew I was hard sometimes.
The moment I walked into his apartment, it was like I had stepped into some futuristic alternate reality. I screamed the second I saw a baby trapped inside a box!
I punched the box and broke it to let the baby free - turns out, it was an entertainment device called a T.V. An expensive device that I smashed within minutes of knowing him.
I explained to him how badly I wanted a baby and if he thought we’d be able to find seeds around here. He laughed right in my face!
When he told me where babies actually came from, well, I didn’t believe him! Gross! I asked him if we could adopt one of my younger sisters and he said no. He wanted to put my “cult-life” behind us, and part of letting go was making new connections and letting go of the old ones. In the end, we ended up moving far away from that city - and far away from any of my sisters.
I got used to technology and even got a job at a local daycare. I was normal.
I was almost forgetting everything about my sisters until the day I found out I was pregnant.
I was so overjoyed! It was fun sharing it with Carlos, but I wanted to share it with my sisters as well. It was then that I really started to miss them.
Carlos was very adamant that I cut them out completely, but I didn't agree so much. Secretly, I made a Facebook account where I tried to get into contact with them.
I talked to a few of my sisters about what they were doing. Most of them were still in school - for them, the transition wasn’t too much as they were still young.
I reached out to my closest friend from the commune. We were the same age - both “freed” when we were about 18. Turns out, she was not happy with her new life at all!
She hated technology and was too scared of boys. She told me she struggled very hard just to survive and she was incredibly lonely. I wanted to share the news of my pregnancy with her, but that seemed to send her over the edge!
A few days later in the mail, I got a letter from her saying she never wanted to see me again!
I showed the note to Carlos and he said that it was my fault for purposely getting involved with those people! He accused me of purposely looking for drama because I like to play victim!
It was then that I saw Carlos was not the knight in shining armor I thought he’d be.
I had no support system after that. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I lost the baby.
The doctor’s told me that I wouldn’t ever be able to get pregnant. This devastated me!
Carlos was very unsympathetic to my depression and bad mood. He was so nice and affectionate when we first got together, but he seemed to get bored of me very quickly. See, I wasn’t very experienced with men if you know what I mean.
One time I was out shopping and I saw him kissing another girl! I ran right up to him and confronted him, but he told me that it wasn’t his fault he wasn’t satisfied in our relationship.
“Sorry, I just expected more from us, you know?”
He wasn’t even willing to try to work through it! He put in divorce papers and ended up marrying the other girl! Even worse - they had a baby together!


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