
The Illusion of Safety and Security

The Illusion of Safety and Security Being a responsible citizen means more than being law abiding.
How many facets of your life do you leave up to others?
Who's educating your kids?
What plans do you have for a house fire?
How about a loved one choking?
Anyone have bad allergies in the home, what's the plan?
Worse yet, what happens when there is no one on the 911 line to come immediately?
It's happened to me and @mrscarrytrainer during a large structure fire in our town. A group of thugs did some stupid stuff and no one was available to help me except a neighbor with a shovel. It happens often and its not just violence. Just as @tmacsinc reiterated today on gun ownership, having it is not the same as being trained and mentally and morally capable.
I'm pretty much over the whole EDC movement after seeing poser after poser and "instructors" who are more concerned with self promotion and the unethical pedaling of trash product for $.
Judge men by their deeds, not their social media feed.
What's your goal?
If it's a long full more greens.
Get more sleep.
Laugh more, brush and floss, drink water not soda, excercise daily and do know and understand basic medical interventions.
Do also purpose yourself to lay down righteous violence with haste if need be.
@d_deyresponsegroup @radianweapons
Upcoming classes -June 19-21, 2020 Nunn, Colorado 3 Day Rifle/Pistol
-July 30-Aug 1, 2020 Sabula, Iowa 3 Day Rifle/Pistol
-August 13-15, 2020 Kenai, Alaska 3 Day Rifle/Pistol
-Sept 5-6, 2020 Kingston, Michigan 2 Day Pistol
-Sept 18-20, 2020 Denver PA 3 Day Rifle/Pistol
-November 12-15 S12 Nashville Tennessee 4 Days, meals and bed included

carrytrainer,mickey schuch,tccc,medical kit,first aid,ccw,everyday carry,first responder,security,family safety,concealed carry,

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