This video, still up, still monetizing on Myka's channel is date stamped January 30th, 2020. Myka's first Instagram post in Bali was posted January 28th, 2020.
Some think Myka actually went to Bali in December, again getting rid of Huxley when they left for vacation.
To me that would require thought process and planning to deceive viewers which clearly watching this video you see Myka does not possess any skill in organizing. Her mind is a looney bin. Also, Myka's arrogance, she just wouldn't care to go through the effort of a charade.
Then there is this statement by HelloFresh US on their Twitter dated
May 29. "Thank you for reaching out, Karis. HelloFresh last worked with Myka Stauffer in January of this year and does not have any plans to work with her in the near future." I believe this video was filmed in late January. Obviously it is the night before Myka and James left on vacation because the oldest girl is an emotional wreck. Huxley was definitely in the house. You heard Myka say they were waiting for babysitters and others to come watch the kids. Nothing about a specialist or the stress of transporting Huxley to someone else while they were away. Huxley was walking around the house unaccompanied while chaos ensued without Myka or James concerned about his behavior. They were not doing anything more for his astronomical special needs they keep claiming he has than they were the bio kids.
There is so much to unpack from this clip. Her trying to hush the baby, complaining about a teacher, spouting off an email right before leaving on an extended trip. House trashed, her sick, on and on.
What is laid out is Huxley was still part of the family, they were not making special plans for him whilethey were going to be 9 600 miles away, he wasn't dangerous or scary to himself or anyone else.
We do know while they were gone or within 3 weeks of Myka and James return Huxley, for no reason Stauffer's or their attorney claim was no longer part of the family.