
Become Extremely Polite & Charismatic - Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones (With Subliminal Messages)

Become Extremely Polite & Charismatic - Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones (With Subliminal Messages) Disclaimer: This recording should not be used as a substitute for any medical care you may be receiving. Click 'show more' below to read the full disclaimer. This MP3 is now available to DOWNLOAD 🎵 *** ***🎵 Click to DOWNLOAD the MP3.

Full disclaimer: This recording along with any other recordings on this channel should not be used as a substitute for any medical care you may be receiving. You should always refer to a doctor when necessary. Do not listen while driving or operating machinery, only listen in a place where you can relax and let go. If you need any help or advice, please contact me via my website at:

This recording uses both Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones.

This recording starts at a frequency of 2.75 hz (Delta) and slowly decreases over the course of 45 minutes, down to a frequency of 2.00 hz (Delta) for the remainder of the recording. This recording also contains subliminal messages. You will find the list of subliminal messages below.

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Here is a list of all the subliminal affirmations/messages in this recording.

I enjoy meeting new people

I always make a good impression

I have a very positive attitude towards everyone

I always smile

I am a kind and considerate person

I take a genuine interest in other people

I always remain polite and charming in every situation

I always use polite language

I treat everyone nicely

I treat everyone with respect

I like to pay people compliments

Being charismatic comes naturally to me

I am a nice, friendly person

I enjoy being nice to people

I attract friends because I am polite

I attract friends because I am kind

I always treat people with respect

Saying nice things to people makes be feel good

I use confident body language to express myself

People enjoy talking to me because I am a polite person

I am comfortable talking to all types of people

I like to put people at ease

I enjoy giving people compliments

Receiving compliments makes people happy

Being nice to people makes them like me even more

I like to make people feel happy

I am a very polite person

I am a very confident person

I am calm and relaxed in all situations

I respect everyone I meet

Everyone I meet respects me

My charismatic personality allows me to easily befriend people

People enjoy my company because I am respectful

I have a great personality

I have a warm personality

I build rapport with people easily

I make friends easily

I enjoy being nice to people

I am friendly and polite at all times

I am in total control of what I say

When I speak, I speak with intelligence

When I speak, I speak with confidence

When I speak, I speak with enthusiasm

I always show people respect

I enjoy showing people respect

Showing people respect makes me a good person

I find it easy to charm people

I smile at people to show them I like them

I am a good listener

I take great interest in what others say

I have an interesting personality

People enjoy spending time with me

My confidence grows stronger everyday

I am a fun person

I have a charming personality

I make a conscious effort to be polite to everyone

I am charming

I am full of confidence

I am full of positive energy

I always use respectful language

I talk clearly and with confidence

I am extremely charismatic

I am nice to everyone I meet

I respect the opinions of others

When I meet new people, they like me straight away

I enjoy the company of others

I enjoy listening to others talk

I always show people encouragement

People enjoy spending time with me because I am charming and polite

I always show people my best qualities

With each day that goes by, I become even more charming and polite

With each day that goes by, I become even more charismatic

When I wake up in the morning, I am full of confidence

When I wake up in the morning, I am full of happiness

(((((All of the above are repeated throughout the recording)))))

Subliminal messages, Binaural Beats, and Isochronic Tones by Thomas Hall. River sounds from

Royalty free music from Chris Collins,
Everything is protected by copyright.


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