
I've Been Pregnant For YEARS But Didn't Know Males Existed

I've Been Pregnant For YEARS But Didn't Know Males Existed Check out our channels in your favorite language

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I had a really conservative family growing up. And when I say “conservative” I mean REALLY, REALLY conservative to the point of an extreme. My parents had set out rules and restrictions, framed them, and put it up in the walls of my room, kitchen, and even the living area.
The rules were about what I was supposed to do in and outside of the house and about my academics. There was literally a rule for me to get a certain grade. And the restrictions were about the clothes and the time I could stay outside of the house which was just an hour after school.
Because of all that I turned out to be a total introverted nerd. And school on top of that was awful.
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I didn’t have any friends and was totally invisible. However, I did like this cute guy Dean but he was one of the popular guys so he wouldn’t even notice me. And I too didn’t have the courage even to look at him directly, just a peek here and there so approaching to talk to him was impossible. There were other guys in school too but I was never interested in anyone else at all.
It was also because I didn’t want to go against my parents as they had restricted me to have a boyfriend. And I worshipped my parents, they provided for me so I was very grateful towards them and because of that reason, I did whatever they asked me to.
I never stayed late after school. I never tried making any friends or going out to parties like other kids used to and I always got good grades ever since I started school.
Also, I even used to wear clothes picked out by my mom only which were pretty conservative as you might have already guessed.
In the same way, like a good child I was, I always helped around the house. My favorite activity at home was baking out of all and not to brag but I was really good at it.
So, my mom and dad were very satisfied with how I turned out to be. Whenever we had guests over, my mom especially would always speak of me proudly.
“My daughter Freya is a child every parent would dream of having, I’ll bet you on that,” she would say.
However, things did not always remain the same and I got to know that after something happened that changed my life forever.
One morning, as soon as I woke up, I started getting sick out of nowhere. It was unusual because I hadn’t eaten any bad food or anything the other night. But then I was fine after about 20 minutes so I didn’t think much of it.
But then, the same thing happened to me continuously the other day and the next day after that. However, I didn’t feel like telling my parents cause I didn’t want to trouble them. But after a week since I started getting sick in the mornings, my mom started questioning me as she heard sounds of me vomiting in my bathroom.
So I told her that I had been getting sick in the mornings for the last 7 days.
“It’s not a big deal mom, I feel okay just minutes after,” I told her trying not to worry her.
“Are you regular with your periods?” she asked and at first I thought it was funny but then I realized that she was serious.
And I started getting scared because I had not gotten my period for one and a half months. I was afraid she would assume I was pregnant which was impossible but I thought she knew me so I told her the truth about my periods.


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