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Please be advised that this forum is not intended for personal therapy. Paul Chek does his best to share education and resources to help you live a healthier, more full life.
If you have applied the teachings he shares here, and fully applied the methods according to the directions in his book "How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy!", his ebook, "The Last 4 Doctors You'll Ever Need - How To Get Healthy Now!, his audio/workbook program "You Are What You Eat!", and/or my DVD series "Healing Fungal and Parasite Infections - The Absolute Essentials", the next step is to apply the teachings available in his self-healing program titled, "The 1-2-3-4 For Overcoming Addiction, Obesity and Disease".
If you are looking for a skilled CHEK Institute Trained Practitioner and or CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach for yourself or your loved one, please seek a qualified CHEK Practitioner in your area....there are over 10,000 world wide!
Visit and to learn more about Paul Chek's teachings.
Paul Chek is founder of the C.H.E.K Institute and creator of the PPS Success Mastery program.
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