Devaji resides near Mt. Shasta, California, where he offers Satsang regularly to a small group of devoted students on the spiritual path, along with retreats for aspirants who are drawn to committed engagement on the Spiritual Journey. Satsang and retreats with Devaji offer a unique opportunity for wisdom, contemplation, silence, and Self-discovery, and nearly unlimited access to the teacher through personal interaction and gentle, benevolent guidance. The presence of renowned 19th century Indian mystic, Ramakrishna, and the 20th century Sage, Ramana Maharshi, are very much alive today in Devaji's teachings.If you are ready to dive into the spiritual quest with a personal, dedicated master teacher, please visit our website at If you would like to attend a retreat in person or participate through the internet in a weekly satsang or retreat, you may find out about upcoming events on the calendar page at