Full Transcription- Hello Quincy Mayor Tom here with our Covid/Snow update. We just experienced a major storm as we all know. Major inconvenience that comes with that and a lot of challenges but I will get back to that in a moment. Today we had 58 new cases which is up from yesterday. Still down from the 60's that we were at last week. We still have some work to do. Two-week daily average is 50.4. Positivity rate has jumped into the 6 range. We were in the 5 range that's up in the 6 range. But we have seen a number of folks that have come off the active list now recovered so that's a good sign so the numbers are up on the screen for you to look at. I want to thank those folks that have cooperated with us on the parking rules and regulations. We did have a lot of folks that either did or didn't get the message or just didn't want to cooperate but I know that we did a lot of towing last night. I want to remind people that the snow emergency is still in effect tonight, Thursday night, until further notice. This is a major storm. We have had a lot of snow, heavy wet snow and it's causing a lot of challenges around for our infrastructure so we are still out dealing with the storm and we are supposed to still have flurries off and on so the crews are going to continue to be out there. If you have any issues in your area or your street, please call the snow hotline at Public Work and that number is on your screen. Tomorrow if you need to call this office 617 376-1990 we'd be happy to help you in that regard. Another reminder the trash which we announced yesterday was not picked up today. For those neighborhoods scheduled for today, it will be tomorrow and for those neighborhoods scheduled for tomorrow, it will be picked up on Saturday. Also note that Quincy Public Schools is going remote tomorrow. So there won't be any physical people in school tomorrow. It will be a remote day. It will count for a school day. Some folks have asked me why can't we cancel. Well, it's early in the calendar and we don't know what's ahead of us this winter and when you get into June getting closer to July in those buildings it's that time of year that it gets pretty warm. So we will have plenty of opportunities to have an actual snow day off in the schools but tomorrow it will be remote. So that's the latest. We encourage you to help us, to work with us on the streets and sidewalks. Please shovel your walks, shovel your sidewalks. Shovel your neighbor if they are elderly if they need some help on that. Again if you have any questions please feel free to call our office. So, in the meantime stay healthy. God bless.