
December - A sort of homecoming [U2 cover]

December - A sort of homecoming [U2 cover] Written by Paul Hewson, David Evans, Larry Mullen Jr and Adam Clayton; published by Blue Mountain Music.

Our cover of a U2 classic from 1984's The Unforgettable Fire. Why this song? Check our blog here:

Our version produced by Sandy Jones at Foundry Music Lab;

Thanks to our friend Karl Verkade for additional ambience.

UK iTunes store:

UK Apple Music:

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Thanks to our friend Alasdair Meek for assistance with editing and production. And grateful thanks for post-production by @johnnyvanderlyle. Thanks to our friend Andrew Geddes for north sea deep water footage.

Our love and appreciation to U2 for this song and a lifetime of music.

If you like this please check out our song Alison Stewart about U2's early days which is out now with all proceeds going to Chernobyl Children International:

Keep in touch with us:
Twitter: @tilldecember

Our album I will let you have your say is due for release 14 May 2016.

#homecoming #U2 #Bono #Ali #december #Dublin #Glasgow #deepwater,

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