
Fault Analysis in Power Systems Part 2a

Fault Analysis in Power Systems Part 2a FREE Signup here to get Power System Protection Fundamentals full course:

Know Abdur Rehman, Creator & Co-founder of GeneralPAC by AllumiaX:

In this series, we will be going over the analysis of various types of faults that occur in power systems and at the same time intuitively understanding the hand calculations involved.

Fault currents within an operational facility can destroy a massive scale. Detecting and eliminating the potential risks during a faulty scenario is important for any commercial facility. Learn how to conduct an efficient Fault Analysis in the Power Systems world by visiting the blog link:

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#GeneralPAC #FaultAnalysisinPowerSystems

We are pleased to announce that AllumiaX, LLC. (formerly our corporate sponsor) has now acquired GeneralPAC. This is to add more value through our fundamental courses on Power Systems and provide a platform where students and professionals from all communities can ask and learn in an easy and captivating fashion.

Our promise is to make the fundamental series available to everyone who cannot afford it. This promise is fueled by our community, our fans, and our sponsors. Power System Protection Fundamentals course will teach you all the fundamentals of Power Transformer. This course will cover the requirements needed to design protective devices and the applications of these devices through a schematic diagram. Furthermore, this course will analyze the effects of all types of faults in the power systems along with the easy hand on calculations. To develop your strong concept on fault analysis we will discuss how faults can be identified by analyzing waveforms. Lastly, you will learn the most tedious and complex theory of symmetrical components that are found in different types of faults. FREE Signup here to get Power System Protection Fundamentals full course:

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An incredible amount of time and effort is needed to develop high-quality video tutorials. Each video (Part 1 for example) takes approximately 10 hours to complete which includes learning the concept ourselves, brainstorming creative ways to teach and explain the concepts, writing the script, audio recording, video recording, and editing. This is why Hundreds-of-Thousands of people have watched, liked, subscribed, and left positive comments on our YouTube channel. Your support truly makes all the difference. Please donate and become our patron by clicking here:

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