
How one innovator goes B2C to circumvent the payer reimbursement system w| Jo Bhakdi | COIQ

How one innovator goes B2C to circumvent the payer reimbursement system w| Jo Bhakdi | COIQ It’s taken a global pandemic to jumpstart the telehealth industry and showcase the value, convenience, and importance of bringing strong, viable, and scalable technology solutions to the market. And now that the spotlight’s been cast, there’s no going backwards.

One might not think of disease detection and quantitative science as services that can be deployed via telehealth and a customer/member focused concierge solution, but Jo Bhakdi of Quantgene would argue that with you.

His company built a product around advanced cancer detection using deep genomics and AI technologies and delivers that product in a package that bypasses the traditional healthcare payer system and offers a more affordable solution directly to the customer. And, when COVID-19 hit, Jo’s team was able to envision how a COVID-based solution could be offered to its members in a seamless pivot.

In this episode, come hear Jo Bhakdi’s thoughts on the future of telehealth and concierge medicine, how to approach a successful market pivot, and the importance for health innovators to understand the “investor’s triangle” when bringing healthcare innovations to market.

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That’s why launching is not enough. Commercialization of innovation (COI) is the most critical — yet overlooked — strategy. Through candid conversations with health innovators, early adopters, and influencers, you’ll learn the 5 components of the COIQ Early Adoption Strategy.

So if you want to change lives and dominate the market, why not give your innovation the best chance to succeed? COIQ is brought to you by Legacy DNA: Strategy for healthcare innovators.

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