
Coronavirus - should I purchase an air purifier now?

Coronavirus - should I purchase an air purifier now? People are concerned about the coronavirus and beside social distancing and the other recommendations from governments and medical experts, our customers are asking us, wheter an air purifier is a solution to protect them from the coronavirus. This video replies to the most urgent question. Should I buy an air purifier now?

Quick answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yes, but the protection from the virus is only one reason. While an air purifier can reduce the exposure to the virus, it cannot create a 100% virus-free environment. But there are many further reasons to purchase an air purifier: We spend more than 90% of our time indoors - where the air is 2–5 times more polluted than inside (according to WHO studies). So, we should really take care about the quality of the air inside. Good air quality helps you to stay healthy, reduce the symptoms of an allergy and make you feel better. So yes - an air purifier can help you to be better during the times of the coronavirus outbreak but even long after.

More about our air purifiers

Stay healthy!


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