
You SHOULD Eat Garlic at LEAST 1x Per Day

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Special Thanks to my team and Nicholas Norwitz - Oxford PhD Researcher and Harvard Med Student - for working diligently on research as well!

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You SHOULD Eat Garlic at LEAST 1x Per Day - Thomas DeLauer

Garlic Can Improve Physical Performance

There might be something to this ancient wisdom…
Ancient Egyptians gave garlic to their slaves to build the pyramids.
Ancient Olympians took garlic supplements to help them compete.

Garlic Womack C et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2015. In this double-blind, placebo controlled, crossover study of 18 young men, 900 mg of garlic significantly improved VO2max by 2.7% when participants were forced to run on a treadmill.

Garlic is Antimicrobial

Alias “Russian penicillin”
During WWII the Russian government issued garlic to its military troops when penicillin was running low to prevent them from getting sick. Since then, the antimicrobial properties of garlic have been extremely well documented.
Also, Louis Pasteur, the man who developed the germ-theory of infectious disease, himself observed that, “garlic kills bacteria.”

Ankri S et al. Microbes and Infection, 2001. Garlic is famous for its antimicrobioal properties. It has “antibacterial activity against a wide range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, including (i) multidrug-resistant enterotoxicogenic strains of Escherichia coli; ii) antifungal activity, particularly against Candida albicans; iii) antiparasitic activity, including some major human intestinal protozoan parasites such as Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia; and iv) antiviral activity.”

For this reason, some people even swear by garlic as an acne treatment. They simply cut open a clove and rub it on their skin. I can’t confirm or deny whether this works, but people do it.

Garlic Lowers Heart Disease Risk

Varshney R et al. Journal of Nutrition, 2016. This meta-analysis of double-blind, randomized, controlled trials and of meta-analyses of double-blind, randomized, controlled trials (that’s right, a meta-analysis of meta-analysis!) concluded that garlic reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, coronary calcium scores, CRP inflammation scores, and overall heart disease risk.

Garlic Prevents Cancer!

The National Cancer Institute itself recognizes the anti-cancer properties of garlic! There are lots of ways garlic may be anti-carcinogenic, but I want to highlight two.

Garlic protects against the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines, which are present throughout the diet but particularly high in processed meats. So, if you’re going to have your supermarket cold cuts, at least hit them with some garlic!
** Garlic contains an enzyme called alliinase which makes a compound called allicin, which has many anti-cancer properties, perhaps the coolest if which is that it makes cancer cells commit cell suicide (apoptosis).

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Nicholas Norwitz - Oxford PhD Researcher and Harvard Med Student:

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