
WebInspect Automation - script

WebInspect Automation - script Create a script that starts and runs a dynamic scan (DAST) and uploads the results completely automatically. The goal of the script is to completely automate dynamic WebInspect scans.

The following steps are necessary for this:
1. start the scan
2. wait until the scan is finished
3. download the results
4. upload to the Software Security Center

Only the variables have to be changed to use it.

The benefits of this:
- Complete automation of a DAST scan into your CI/CD pipeline
- No requirements needed (no WebInspect or Tools installation)
- Platform independent: can also be translated into Python, bash, etc.
- Fully customizable to your own needs

Get the script code:

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application security testing,software vulnerability testing,Secure DevOps,secure software development,appsec,Micro Focus,cybersecurity,DAST,SAST,Fortify,DevSecOps,CI/CD,software vulnerabilities,

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